Therapist / Member Profile

Patricia Brady Kiernan

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Hi my name is Patricia also known as Pat.

I am a registered Nurse/Midwife with NMBI and have spent a number of years specialising in Midwifery in Ireland, the UK and Middle East.

After returning home, I worked in the NMH (National Maternity Hospital) in Holle's St. in Ante-post Natal and Gynae departments. I then took a career break and became a stay-at-home Mother to our four children.                                                                        

It was during this time that I discovered Holistic Medicine following numerous visits to our family GP over the years. Antibiotics were regularly prescribed and surgery seemed to be the only option for the many ear, nose and throat infections our children encountered. I decided it was time to search for an Alternitive treatment and discovered Homoeopathy.

After seeing the amazing results of this therapy I began my Homoeopathic studies at the ISH (Irish School of Homoeopathy) began my Practise as a  Licenced Homoeopath in 2008.

My interest and curiosity in Complimentary Therapies grew and I studied Reiki and eventually Craniosacral Therapy with the Upledger International Institute Ireland UIII. I received excellent training from various Tutors from the UK, Netherlands USA and Ireland.

After becoming a CST/SER Therapist, I undertook further training in Paediatrics, Preconception & Birth and have studied to Advanced 2 Level. I have experience as a Teaching Assistant at all levels and am currently studying to teach CST.

Dr John Upledger, founder of the Upledger school was quoted as saying "We hold our issues in our tissues" See Home page and History of CST on the IACST website for further explanation of the work.

The body is a self-regulating, self-healing mechanism which is recognised by the Conventional Medical Community. There are times when the body can need assistance in order to "right itself". Craniosacrsl Therapy is a gentle light-touch body Therapy that allows the body's self-healing to take place. As a CST/SER Therapist, I have been trained to use very gentle skills of perception that allows me to work with the Client's "Inner Wisdom" as their body learns to relax, release and "let go" of the many restrictions and tensions that may have been held over time, perhaps years?

Throughout our lives as we navigate the world we live in, we can develop these tissue restrictions in our Fascial and Cranio Sacral Systems from traumas relating to the various Mental, Emotional or Physical issues encountered throughout our lives. 

These restrictions can have an impact on our Central and Autonomic Nervous Systems which in turn can lead to problems such as chronic pain, neuralgia from trapped nerves, causing numbness, tingling etc.. Dental work can cause later problems such as TMJ and other issues which CST  "mouthwork" can help.  Birth traumas and instrumental deliveries can result in problems such as developmental delays as the integration of the bodies primary, primitive reflexes are retained by the body.These retained reflexes can result in motor and sensory problems which are becoming increasingly evident in more recent years.

Conditions such as ADD, ADDH, ASD,SID, Ausbergers in children and adult conditions such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, MS, ME, Myofascial problems are also becoming more common. 

Having trained in the Conventional medical tradition together with my additional training in the Complimentary Holistic field; I feel equipped to work with Clients alongside their medical practitioners and my hope would be to help bring these two disciplines together. Conventional medicine will always have a Primary place in health care, but I feel that Holistic Therapies also have a place in health care into the future. 

I work with a number of Holistic Practitioners of varying diciplines in an Ante/Post Natal Clinic called (Acudub) and treat women prior to and following birth with follow ups to support their babies through their vaccination programmes. I also work with couples who have infertility issues. 

I often use a combination of Homoeopathic remedies with CST to help balance the body as it undertakes it's Healing Journey. I also work with people who are receiving chemotherapy and find that CST is a wonderful support for my clients while they navigate their various treatments. CST can also be used for care of the elderly and end of life as a gentle support for Clients and their families.

If you are interested in having Craniosacral Therapy and would like to make an Appointment you can contact me by What's app, text or email. 

I work from the  locations listed above and would love to hear from you and work with you and your family.

Kind regards.



Acudub Clinic D03Y2R0
Naas Holistic W91 CY8H
Maynooth area
Clonee D15YT3Y


01 6291789call
087 2622950

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